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Candle in the Night

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

31 Days to Christmas Day 6: Christmas Music

As many of you know, music has a special place in my heart.  I grew up in a family who loved to sing together, took piano and violin lessons, and married into a family of professional musicians.  Music is a huge part of my life.  I love many styles of music, but stick to listing to primarily Christian music (with a John Denver song sprinkled in here and there).

Christmastime for many is a time that music fills the house.  The day after Thanksgiving, I started looking for a radio station playing only Christmas music.  I found that the station that used to play exclusively Christmas music from Thanksgiving to Christmas was no longer doing that.  There is another station taking that place now.  Unfortunately, neither of those stations are Christian and I find that there are more songs about Santa Clause than Jesus.  There are three Christian stations in the area that I keep on my favorites list and between those three and the one playing continuous Christmas music, I can usually find someone playing the kind that I like. 

When I’m at home rather than in the car, I put three CD’s in the stereo (I know, I’m behind…I should have them all on my MP3 player) and put it on shuffle.  Then, I enjoy Christmas music all season long. 

What is it about the Christmas music that puts us in the Christmas spirit?  When I was in high school, I had an experience where I realized that the kind of music I listened to had a huge impact on my spirit.  I won’t share that now, but suffice it to say that I stuck to Christian music from then on.  Music is like a line directly to the soul.  Talking is nice, reading is nice, but music fills us up from head to toe. 

So as you listen to your Christmas music this year, let it fill you.  Let it become part of you.  And make sure it’s the kind of music you want your soul to be filled with.  Music that exhibits the true meaning of Christmas.  Because if your soul is filled with the true meaning of Christmas, that is what will shine forth from you. 

Below is a non-traditional Christmas song.  I love this song because it reminds me that we Americans aren’t the only ones who celebrate the Christ child.  It is a great expression about the joy that all men feel (or should feel) that Jesus came to live and walk among us. 

Candle in the Night



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